Is a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet Safe in The Pregnancy?

Is it safe to be vegan whilst you’re pregnant or should we add back in animal products ?

Many mainstream health professionals would say we need animal flesh and dairy to grow a healthy strong baby, but is this really true ?

Let’s see what Dr. Michael Greger thinks about this. This post is from one of dr. Gregers wonderful Q&A sessions : «  the American Dietetic Association, the largest association of nutrition professionals in the world, in its latest position paper on vegetarian diet says explicitly that vegetarian and vegan diets are appropriate for all stages of life cycle, including pregnancy breast feeding through middle age and beyond. In fact that’s the time we want to cut down our pollutant take the most is when we are starting a new life.

In fact Dr. Benjamin Spock , probably most esteemed pediatrician of all time, wrote kind of like the second best-selling books after the Bible. Dr. Benjamin in « child baby care » I mean the seventh edition before diagnosed 90s, recommended that all children be raised without any special being daring did that because of concern about from the epidemic of chronic disease you seeing later in life »

It’s important to note that there are a few nutrients pregnant vegans may need to focus more on, like iodine, DHEA, selenium …etc.

So be sure to check out Dr. Gregers other videos on pregnancy and diet. I also highly recommend the work of Karen Ransy a vegan nutrition coach who’s written a fantastic book called « creating healthy children » .

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